Not Your Own

Here’s how to
get started

Step 01: Sign Up

Create a free account and invite your group.

Once you sign up, it’s easy to invite your community, watch sessions, get training as a group leader, and access other resources.

Step 02: Run a Resource

Gather and learn with your community.

Meet with your group regularly to run the Course or the Practices, learning together how to integrate them into your daily life.

Step 03: Create a Rule of Life

Build ongoing habits of communion with God.

Integrate spiritual disciplines from the life of Jesus and his earliest followers into a shared Rule of Life. Use our Rule of Life Builder to find rhythms that make sense for you and your community.

Step 04: Keep Growing

Cultivate a lifelong pursuit of Jesus.

Name Jesus’ ongoing invitations to you as a disciple through the Spiritual Health Reflection, our self-assessment tool, and continue your journey through books, podcast conversations, recommended readings, and more.

Create Your Group and Get Started

Sign up for your free account with Practicing the Way to access our full library of resources and spiritual formation tools. Create a group, set up notification reminders, and access the Rule of Life Builder and all our latest resources.

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